Lecture recordings are available via link in sidebar (right). Readings on Android are in Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (3rd Edition in Java).
Into to Course and S.E.
- 0-Admin notes; or in color
- 1-Intro to Software Engineering; or in color
- Intro Java programming demos (videos)
Basic Java: main(), functions, if, for loop
Data class (fields, constructor, toString()...)
ArrayList and For-Each loop
Model/View Separation - Readings: Suggested free book chapter on learning Java.
Revision Control
- 2-Revision Control (basics of using Git); or in color
- Video: resolving git merge conflicts in Android Studio.
- For more on Git, read free Pro Git book.
- Good intro guide to Git for the command line.
- [NEW] Sept 16 lecture recording(Passcode:
- Recorded Git Workshop hosted by Dr. Brian (Spring 2020)
- Readings: Android Ch 1-4.
- 3-Testing; or in color Sample code: and JUnit tests.
Software Process
- 4-Software Processes
- Pre-recorded lecture videos (makes time in class for coding demonstrations)
Part 1: Software development activities
Part 2: Software process models - Notes b/w; or in color
- Pre-recorded lecture videos (makes time in class for coding demonstrations)
Android demo (in class)
- Example from in class showing multiple activities and model: Android Project
GitLab Workflow
- 5-Git/GitLab Workflow (Branches); or in color
GitLab workflow with Merge Request: Issues, feature branches, switching branches, commit/push, merge request.
Resolving git merge conflicts in Android Studio. - Academic Honesty
Change Risk
- 6-Change and Risk; or in color
Scrum & Agile
- 7-Scrum; or in color
- Book suggestion: Scrum: A Breathtakingly Brief and Agile Introduction
- Video Lecture Content
Part 1: Scrum Roles
Part 2: Scrum Iteration (Ceremonies)
Part 3: Story point estimation done in class
- 8-Agile; or in color
- Midterm Info page
Requirements (intro)
- Dysfunctional Team Case
- 9 - Requirements Engineering (RE); or in color
Video Lecture Content
Requirements Engineering
- 10 - Implementation Issues; or in color
Project Retrospective
- Retrospective (covered live in lecture)
Requirements Gathering
- 11 - Requirements Document; or in color
- 12 - Requirements Elicitation; or in color
- 13 - Teamwork; or in color
Code sense
- 10.2 - Code Sense; or in color
- 14 - Diversity; or in color
- Filled-in Notes slides #1 - #20 (recording did not capture screen)
- Interesting Articles
- Royal Society's Unconcious Bias video (Short! Good!)
- Implicit Association Test helps you recognize possible personal implicit bias. Very good!
- Inside the culture of sexism at Riot Games --, by Cecilia D'Anastasio
- If you think women in tech is just a pipeline problem, you haven’t been paying attention -- Rachel Thomas on
- Google ideological echo chamber -- James Damore; discussion of it on Wikipedia; interview with Jordan B Peterson (Canadian clinical psychologist)
- BBC News Viewpoint: 'I feel like I was accidentally hired' - comments on racism and bias in tech.
- BBC Worklife How microaggressions cause lasting pain
- Story: Linux kernel no longer use terms 'blacklist' and 'slave'
- Story: Github plans to replace racially insensitive terms like ‘master’ and ‘whitelist’
- "Explained" (the Netflix series) -- Why Women are Paid Less
- Canadian Research Council's unconscious bias training module - Required training for SFU CS promotion committee members, plus CRC grant reviewers.
- 15 - System Modelling; or in color (Diagrams: context, class, use case, state).
- Nov 30'th lecture for the snowy day; passcode is
- Nov 30'th lecture for the snowy day; passcode is
Legal and Ethics
- 16 - Legal and Ethics; or in color
- Sample NDA (password protected)
No Killer Robots
Lectures will be recorded and made available via the course website. As a result, Simon Fraser University may collect your image, voice, name, personal views and opinions, and course work under the legal authority of the University Act and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy. This information is related directly to and needed by the University to support student learning only (i.e., posting in the Learning Management System for students to review).
- Posted notes are incomplete; attend lectures to fill in the blanks. Come to office hours to fill in missed content. Completed notes will not be published.