UX News

A look at what's going on in the field of user experience.

Cactus births and Klingon crosswords: The power of extreme user feedback

, UX Collective - Medium

Image created by AI in Dall-E of a baby cactus holding a Rubik’s cube

Turning brutal feedback into opportunities for improvementAI image created in Dall-ETL;DRExtreme user quotes, while often shocking and humorous, are invaluable for highlighting critical issues in UX design. These raw, unfiltered statements grab stakeholders’ attention and provide clarity on user frustrations that polite feedback might miss. Embracing these quotes can turn them into powerful catalysts for product improvement. Presenting such feedback requires context, supporting data, and a balanced approach to ensure stakeholders understand the underlying issues without getting defensive. By humanizing data and using humor strategically, researchers can foster empathy and drive meaningful change. Remember, behind every dramatic quote is a call for a better user experience.

“The process was as painful as I can imagine giving birth to a cactus would be…”The quote above is from a real user responding in a real user study and how we might handle quotes like this was the motivation to write this article (Thanks Sarah Engleman!)

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Reducing UX debt (or die trying)

, UX Collective - Medium

UX debt is mainly created by the desynchronisation between design and code. Discover 6 strategies to keep it as low as possible.

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Smart Properties: Harnessing AI in Real Estate

, UX Planet - Medium

Written by Mary Moore, copywriter at Shakuro

In real estate, where every decision can make or break a deal, the pressure to stay ahead of the curve is daunting. The data amount for analysis is enormous, the legal requirements are strict, and users are picky — in these conditions, a simple real estate app is no contender on the market.

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Bar Chart UI Design Tips & Tricks

, UX Planet - Medium

Image by Isaac KuulaBar chart is a popular chart type that presents categorical data with rectangular bars with heights or lengths proportional to the values that they represent. It is typically used to show categorical or discrete data for side-by-side comparison or ranking.

Below are key practical recommendations for designing bar charts.

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Line Chart UI Design Tips & Tricks

, UX Planet - Medium

Line Chart Animation by Jeremy BashamLine chart is created by connecting a series of data points together with a line. This type of chart is good at showing change over time, comparisons, and trends.

This article explains the basics of using line charts in UI design.

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What’s happened to Spotify?

, UX Collective - Medium

Echo chambers, profit & the decline of artist discovery since 2017

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Why AI’s lack of direction is perfect for CX’s loss of direction

, UX Collective - Medium

illustration by Frank Moth of a crossroad signs with 2 opposite directions in Clarksdale mississippi river, collageart, pastel pale colors

Artificial Intelligence doesn’t know what it wants, and it might be exactly what Customer Experience needs.Image by Midjourney, prompt by doro_74492What does Artificial Intelligence [AI] mean for Customer Experience [CX] and vice versa?

Historically, during any transformational change, two things happen: first, current work and processes are made more efficient. Second, most of these processes are made redundant as new ones replace them (1).

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Dark Theme: 5 UI Design Tips

, UX Planet - Medium

Light and dark modes. Image by BrainlyWhen designing a dark theme, you should consider a few factors to maintain usability and aesthetic appeal.

Why to use dark themeA dark theme reduces the luminance emitted by device screens, creating a more comfortable experience for a viewer.

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How to Handle Large-Scale Item Groups in a Sidebar

, UX Movement

A sidebar navigation with a few items is simple to design. All you have to do is display them in a list with relevant icons. But what do you do when you have multiple large-scale item groups to display? The typical approach uses disclosure arrows to collapse each item group with an accordion functionality. However, […]

The post How to Handle Large-Scale Item Groups in a Sidebar first appeared on UX Movement.

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12 Things to Know About Using the TAC-10 to Measure Tech Savviness

, MeasuringU

feature image with computer chip and tac questionnaire

How do you measure tech savviness?

UX researchers are, of course, not in the business of assessing individual performance. But differences in individual technical abilities certainly have an impact on performance. A good measure of tech savviness can help researchers target levels of tech savviness in recruiting (e.g., low, high, or a mix) and classify those who have participated.

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