What are the essentials of effective visual communication?

One-Minute Summaries and Questions

How to Use C.R.A.P. Design Principles For Better UX? Jul 15th 11:59pm PDT
Typography Tutorial - 10 rules to help you rule type, a Video Jul 15th 11:59pm PDT
Accessibility for Visual Design Jul 15th 11:59pm PDT

Weekly Quiz

Week 10 Review Quiz due Jul 17th Jul 17th 11:59pm PDT


Usability Assessed Interactive PrototypeAug 4th 11:59pm PDT

Required Readings

How to Use C.R.A.P. Design Principles For Better UX? (8 minute read)
Typography Tutorial - 10 rules to help you rule type, a Video (3 minutes)
Accessibility for Visual Design (9 minute read)

BlackBoard Collaborate Session Slides

Visual Design Essentials — Mini-lectures and Activities | PDF

Week 10 Review and Discussion | PDF

Supplemental Readings

Accessibility is the practice of removing barriers that prevent interaction or access to websites by people with disabilities.

Aspects of an object described in terms of hue, lightness, and saturation.

A visible or invisible structure of intersecting lines.

Differences between items shown visually.

Visual symbols representing concepts or commands.

The arrangement of individual visual objects within a composition.

The design of typefaces, and the way type is selected and arranged.

Visual Design Principles (CRAP)
The visual design principles of contrast, repetition, alignment and proximity.

Visual Interface Design
The design and presentation of visual user interfaces.

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Week 10 (Jul 11 - 17)