UX News

A look at what's going on in the field of user experience.

How all-you-can-eat buffets are designed

, UX Collective - Medium

The psychology of maximizing consumption

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The agentic era of UX

, UX Collective - Medium

Two plates side by side. One has little AI circles on it. The other has many that are connected by a circular line.

The future of digital experience is here — but it’s being minced into microscopic use cases.Serving AI features to users like little peas — instead of a substantial meal.TLDR: The thing missing from AI user experience is, well, the experience.

It’s been 17 months since the tech gods bestowed generative artificial intelligence on us. Here’s a state of the union for AI UX:

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3 steps to maximizing productivity in the UX design job search

, UX Planet - Medium

Crucial steps to make the most of the slump

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Designing Apple Watch apps for better user experience and accessibility

, UX Collective - Medium

A designer’s guide to user experience design and accessibility for Apple Watch.

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DesignShifts: a better future for and through design

, UX Collective - Medium

A faded picture of a flower with yellow color draw on top. In the middle is a logo that says DESIGN SHIFTS. The words from and to are shown

Shifting our practices, mindsets, and the focus of design.From the products we make, the messages we put out there, and the spaces we craft, design has the power to affect change. Our profession and practices can either harm or help, and a lot of design today is causing harm to people and our planet.

The way we design our buildings is creating inhabitable cities. The applications we build are contributing to an expanding mental health crisis. The messages we craft are making people buy more while feeling less and less satisfied.

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How to Stand Out as a UX Designer in 2024

, UX Planet - Medium

Explore innovative strategies to distinguish yourself as a UX Designer in a competitive 2024 market.

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How we revamped our Challenges feature to increase Participation

, UX Planet - Medium

In this case study, I will share my insights on my design decisions while revamping the “Challenge” feature in the Uable (now PowerClub) app.This case study details how we tackled the problem of low user participation in our “Challenge” feature. By researching, we developed a new set of challenges called “Skilled” and “Fun” that helped boost participation. Additionally, we revamped the challenge details page to enhance the user experience. Our findings also showed that factors such as the home page, challenge time, and complexity impacted participation. This project was a collaboration between our community management, learning experience design, product, and growth teams.

So let’s buckle up this one is going to be a long one!Glimpse of how the Final screens

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Product Idea for Reselling Used Clothes & Accessories

, UX Planet - Medium

An image of a few clothes, a watch and two yellow tulips (for aesthetics) lying on a bed, with the tagline “Rivendo, resell & buy used clothes & accessories” written beside it.

Hiyya! 👋 How are you doing?

While clearing up my stack on Google docs, I found two product ideas that I had written down last year but had never got the chance to polish them up for publishing. As time ticked by, dust started gathering on them (well, if digital dust is possible) until it sank to almost the bottom of the stack.

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A Blueprint for Writing Survey Questions

, MeasuringU

feature image with survey platform on laptop

Like with writing an article or book, it can be a challenge to sit down and write survey items.

Few professionals have taken a formal course in survey development. Instead, most rely on their experiences or best practices.

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How Long Are Typical Unmoderated UX Tasks?

, MeasuringU

feature image with laptop and hourglasses

A common logistical consideration when planning a task-based usability study is how much time you should plan for a task.

Many usability studies (especially benchmark studies) suffer from trying to do too many things. That includes asking participants to attempt too many tasks. It’s understandable why tasks get packed in—even low-cost usability testing takes time and money, so you want to make the most of the effort. This is especially the case when participants are difficult or expensive to recruit.

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