Sample midterm. Some content covered by us will differ from the the content covered in the sample midterm, but it is shows some of the style of questions that may be asked. Be careful when answering coding questions: check if you should be writing the full program, or just a single function.
You are allowed one 8.5" x 11" sheet of notes: hand written, single side. You can write anything you like on it. Note: You are not allowed a mobius-sheet of notes.
No other aids permitted, such as: calculators, textbooks, dictionaries, cell-phones, smart-watches, pocket-gnome, poll-the-audience, or ask-a-friend.
I will be happy to explain non-technical terms.
Possible Question Types
Multiple choice. Warning: These can be challenging.
Short answer.
State the output of some code.
Understand, explain, and writing C++ code and algorithms.
Exam is written on paper: no computers.
Exam Directions
Find a seat with an exam.
Do not sit near your friends or study-mates: they think like you do!
If you like to look around, then sit at the front.
Take out:
Your Student ID
Writing tools: pens, pencils, eraser, whiteout...
Water bottle, cookies...
Crib-notes sheet.
Put everything else at the front of the room.
Cell phones and smart-watches off and at front. Not for checking time.
Fill out the front of the exam.
Any academic dishonesty may lead to a grade of 0 for the entire exam.
Touching a cell phone / smart-watch during the exam will be considered academic dishonesty.
Communicate only with a TA or the instructor.
Do not look around room at other students.
When thinking, look up, not around the room.
Cover your paper as much as reasonably possible.
You have 50 minutes once told to begin.
You may not leave the exam during the first 30 minutes, or the last ~10 minutes.