
Welcome to Simon Fraser University's CMPT 225, Section D2, for Spring 2021!

This is the primary course website, with access to other pages via the tabs up top and other sites via the links on the sidebar. The aim of this course is, as the official course outline lays out, "Introduction to a variety of practical and important data structures and methods for implementation and for experimental and analytical evaluation. Topics include: stacks, queues and lists; search trees; hash tables and algorithms; efficient sorting; object-oriented programming; time and space efficiency analysis; and experimental evaluation."

To get started, you may want to look up the recommended (but not required) course textbook, Data Structures & Algorithms in Java, Sixth Edition, by Goodrich, Tamassia, and Goldwasser. Be sure to attend the three weekly virtual lectures, as well as your weekly lab session (according to your particular lab section's time). There will also be five assignments, a midterm, and an exam.

I look forward to working with you all to make this term a success!

Updates (newest at top)

  • January 4th
    • Initial website setup completed

Website Updates Coming...

  • Office hours for instructor and TAs to be decided
  • Assignment 1 to be posted on January 18th, due February 1st
  • Lecture slides to be posted under Notes as lectures are completed
