In-class IF Exercise
We will discuss these in class. Complete the exercise with a partner, taking turns suggesting things you notice that might be improved.
Do not copy-and-paste into your editor; just read the code and think!
How can each of these C++ code segments be improved?
Code 1
// How can this code be improved?
const int TARGET_TEMPERATURE = 20;
int temperature = 0;
cout << "What is the current temperature? ";
cin >> temperature;
if (temperature <= 0) {
cout << "It's freezing!" << endl;
int difference = TARGET_TEMPERATURE - temperature;
cout << "To be perfect, the temperature should change by "
<< difference << " degrees!\n";
} else {
cout << "It's thawed!" << endl;
int difference = TARGET_TEMPERATURE - temperature;
cout << "To be perfect, the temperature should change by "
<< difference << " degrees!\n";
Code 2
// How can this code be improved?
int numVaccinesNeeded = 0;
cout << "How many vaccines are needed? ";
cin >> numVaccinesNeeded;
if (numVaccinesNeeded > 1000) {
string message = "Critical shortage";
} else {
string message = "Supply OK";
cout << message << ": Order " << numVaccinesNeeded << " more vaccines.\n";
// Hint: This won't compile. Why?
Code 3
// How can this code be improved?
double percent = 0;
cout << "Enter nurse's test score: ";
cin >> percent;
if (percent < 75.0)
cout << "Please have them retake the test later." << endl;
cout << "Well done!" << endl;
cout << "Issue them a renewed license." << endl;
Code 4
// How can this code be improved?
double microLoan = 0;
cout << "How much is needed for the micro loan? $";
cin >> microLoan;
if (microLoan < 0) {
cout << "Loan value must be > $0.00" << endl;
if (microLoan > 100) {
cout << "Loan value must be <= $100.00" << endl;
} else {
cout << "Loan approved." << endl;
Code 5
// How can this code be improved?
double bodyTemp = 0;
cout << "Enter patient's body temp ('C): ";
cin >> bodyTemp;
if (bodyTemp <= 37.0) {
cout << "Temperature normal\n";
if (bodyTemp > 37.0) {
cout << "Elevated temperature\n";
Code 6
// How can this code be improved?
int age = 0;
cout << "Enter your age: ";
cin >> age;
if (age < 12) {
cout << "I'm sorry, you can't enter this ride.\n";
} else if (age > 100) {
cout << "You may want to rethink this!\n";
} else {
cout << "Welcome!" << endl;