Iteration 2 Technical Notes Surrey Data Set ---------------------------------------------------- Data Set "Packages" of interest: fraser-health-restaurant-inspection-reports restaurants GET Package Meta Data: Recommendation: - To get started understanding this, use (free) PostMan tool to do a GET request from the above URLs * You can also just navigate with a browser, but output is JSON format and may need to be reformated. * Look at the text returned and understand what you need your app to extract - In the body of the response to the above GET request, you may want to look at result.resources[i] .format: CSV / JSON / .... I believe it's the same data; pick what you want your app to process! .last_modified: expected to be the timestamp for when data was last updated; only some of the resource[i] options contain a valid value. .url: location for the actual data set Your app to do a GET on this URL to download the data in your chosen format; Surrey's CKAN API docs: