CMPT 433 Project and Write-up Marking Guide One write-up per group. Total: [100] Marks General: ******** [100] Project Quality, Difficulty, and Accomplishments - What was the group was able to accomplish? - Partially judged during poster session's demo. - Difficulty: * What was accomplished? What programming languages were used? * Was any additional hardware used? * Were any additional software libraries needed & cross-compiled? * Was any kernel level code required? Was it written or cross-compiled? * In what ways did the group go beyond what they learned directly from the course. - Quality & Functionality: * How well polished was the end product? * Were there any obvious bugs or incomplete features? * Does the product make sense as a reasonably complete system with good integration? * Was there an attention to detail? * How well did the group achieve its goals, or accomplish its task? - How much effort was placed into making the project an impressive success? - How well does the work reflect a final project for a 4th year 3-4 person CMPT group? Submitted Code: *************** [0] Code structure/design/quality Deductions applied to project mark for poor quality code. - Good code design/structure - Good quality code: easy to read/maintain. General Deductions to be applied holistically: [-5 (or more)] Poor grammar and spelling, or hard to read content. CLEAR ENGLISH MATTERS! Forward to Dr. Brian if... - Material is suspiciously similar to another submission. - All proven cases of academic dishonesty will be dealt with according to SFU's Academic Honesty policy: