CMPT 433 Project Proposal Marking Guide Created by your group. Not worth any marks, but here's what I'm looking for none the less. Total: [0] Marks [0] Topic description - Clear description of what the system will be. - Good description of connected systems (if any). [0] Time-line - Well thought out tasks to make the system work. - Organized into reasonable iterations. - Description of the minimal configuration to have something working. Feedback - I will give you some indication of the level of difficulty of your project. - I'll be answering: "Is this looking like an OK size/difficulty project for a group of 3 (or 4) students?" - Difficulty 1.0 = just about what's expected. Great! Difficulty 0.8 = little on easy side, need great polish to pull off a top mark. Difficulty 1.2 = pretty challenging; could possibly drop something, or not implement everything in full depth. General Deductions to be applied holistically: [-0] - Poor grammar and spelling, or hard to read content. CLEAR ENGLISH MATTERS!