CMPT 276 Assignment 2 Marking Guide for Dr. Brian's class Assignment may be done individually or in pairs. Total = 100 marks Max = 105 marks (sum of marks from required and "features you select to implement") (Yes, you can get >100% by implementing more features than needed for 100%) (Yes, one must implement some "features you select to implement" to get 100%) [25] Games List Activity - Good title on activity - List knows games, showing info in correct format - Floating action bar (FAB) launch activity for new game; correct icon - Tap a game to view/edit it [35] New Game [5] Code - Use static methods to encapsulate getting intent to launch this activity - Good quality code; limited code duplication; reasonable nesting [5] UI - Good title on activity; states it's a new game - Able to enter game info - Edit boxes allow only non-negative integers [15] Recalculate scores - When any field changes, recalculate the score - Shows score '-' for players which it cannot yet compute a score (no data) - Shows if game is a tie or who won when scores computed [10] Navigation & AppBar - Android's back button works as expected - Tap up arrow button in AppBar to cancel - Tap "save" to save data; display toast - When saving, displays good error when scores are incomplete, or player has 0 cards and (card sum or wager) [10] View / Edit game - Code - Avoid code duplication with New Game code, such as using the same activity [5] UI - Good title on activity stating it's editing a game - Populates UI with game info - Can edit values of the game [5] Navigation & AppBar: - Android's back button works as expected (does not save) - Up arrow correctly cancels without saving data - Save button correctly changes data for the game; display toast [ 5] GitLab - Reasonable commit history - Evaluated from your submitted GitLab URL. [-4] failure to generate a Git tag [-4] for not giving TA any permissions for repo. [-2] for giving TA insufficient permissions for repo (must be developer) [25] Features you can Select to Implement These features are ones you can pick and choose between. You may earn any number of these marks. Your overall score for the assignment is capped to a max, stated above ** You must list the features you implement on Lens List activity ** [ 5] Delete a game [10] Complex format to Games Played list [ 5] Confirmation on cancel if data changed [10] Save data [ 5] Empty state General Deductions to be applied wholistically: [-15] Poor code quality (max). [-5 ] Incorrect submission format. Late penalties; see course website for details. Forward to Dr. Brian if... - Material is suspiciously similar to another submission. - Screenshots show operational project but code is not. (Small changes OK)