CMPT 276 Assignment 1 Marking Guide for Dr. Brian's class Assignment must be done individually. Total = 50 marks. [20] Model [5] Game manager: store games [5] Game: 1-4 players; timestamp; reports winning player(s) [10] Player score: correctly calculates scores, throws exception on invalid parameters [10] Text UI - Correctly display, add, remove games - Good user interface; need not match sample exactly - Error handling: * handle incorrect menu choices * handle incorrect values [10] Player score Tests - Correctly tests required configurations (boundary value analysis). - Correctly tests invalid parameters (exceptions). - 100% test coverage of target class (possible exception of asserts). [10] GitLab: - Correctly committed code to GitLab (as shown by screen shot) - Commit messages need not meet the expected format for *this* assignment. [-10] for not giving TA any permissions for repo. [-5] for giving TA insufficient permissions for repo (must be developer) General Deductions to be applied wholistically: [-5] Incorrect submission format. [-10] duplicate code (deduct a few marks for each bit of duplicate code) Late penalties; see course website for details. Forward to Dr. Brian if... - Material is suspiciously similar to another submission. - Screenshots show operational project but code is not. (Small changes OK)