CMPT 213 Assignment 4 Marking Guide Assignment must be done individually. Total = [100] marks. [65] Shapes [20] Draw Box with solid background (colours), char line, solid fill; loaded from file. [ 2] Background "checker" [ 5] Background "triangle" [ 4] Line style "ascii line" [ 5] Line style "sequence" [12] Fill "wrapped" text [12] Redacting correctly changes existing boxes instead of making new boxes. [ 5] OOD: Open-Closed Principle: Adding new border style would required adding new class, not editing existing border classes. Favour composition over inheritance: Box and/or styles are not a large inheritance hierarchy [35] Maze Game REST API [10] About, Game & Board; win/lose; [ 5] Show maze items (mouse, cat, cheese) & show # cheese picked up. [ 5] Make a move [ 5] Cheat state [10] Error handling [0] Maze Game Your Own Model! +10 bonus marks if you use your (or your group's) own model from assignment 3. [0] Correctly follow coding style guide. (-20 point max deductions) * Must have separate packages for model (at least, where applicable). * Very minor violations have no penalty (ex: having "int myCount=0;" (spacing wrong)) * Lose a few marks for consistent problems (like always getting the spacing wrong). * Larger penalties possible for horrific code (such as not marked!) Forward to Dr. Brian if... - Material is suspiciously similar to another submission or code posted online.